12 Best Small Cardinal Tattoo Ideas

2. Simple Small Cardinal Tattoo

A simple small cardinal tattoo is a minimalist design that features a cardinal bird in a basic, unadorned style. This type of tattoo is popular among those who prefer a more understated look or who want to keep their tattoo design discreet.

The design typically features the bird in profile, with a few key features such as its distinctive crest and bright red coloring. Simple small cardinal tattoos can be placed on various parts of the body, including the wrist, ankle, or behind the ear. 

They can also be easily incorporated into other tattoo designs or combined with other symbols or imagery. Overall, a simple small cardinal tattoo is a beautiful and meaningful design that is both visually appealing and can hold personal significance for the wearer. 

Orange small cardinal tattoo

Its understated style allows it to be a versatile addition to any tattoo collection.